Cutest cake smash ever! | Cami Thompson Photography | Omaha, NE | Children Photographer

This just might have been the cutest cake smash ever. We started and the ducks were in the background as we went along they just got closer and closer. It was for sure a cake smash one will never forget!!! While this was just like every other cake smash in that this little girl was not feeling it, haha, that part made it all better! ❤

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Booking now at: | cami thompson photography |

Cute kiddos to boot | Cami Thompson Photography | Omaha, NE | children photographer

When you’re going along taking cute photos and then you get to the cake smash and it just doesn’t work. He hated it, but we still got some super cute photos out of it!

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Booking now at: | cami thompson photography |

Cake Smash!!! Cami Thompson Photography | Omaha, NE | Children Photographer

This is one of the most super fun awesome ways to celebrate your child’s first birthday, a cake smash session!!! They love it, you love it, I love it. Best sessions ever!!!

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Booking now at: | cami thompson photography |